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Club Manual 12 of 20

12. FA Whole Game System (WGS)

Player Registration Officers will need to add Players into FA Whole Game System (WGS) - below is a suggested email to send to the relevant parents/carers - top and tail as required.

How to guides are here:
More specific Register Players Section is here: -

Basically there are 4 requirements to get through before you press submit to league:

1) Player Info:-
IMPORTANT: - Please search the system (surname) for each player initially. If they are already on the system, with a FAN do not create a new one.

If they aren't on the system you can add a player or parents can (please see email template below). Basically, if you think the parent will be diligent & accurate when adding details please send the email below as it is. If not it may be best to add the details yourself (with a copy of the player's passport to hand to ensure the player name & date of birth are added accurately), amending the email below accordingly.

If name &/or date of birth are added incorrectly then it can cause immediate issues (such as not being able to add the player to the correct team/age group or issues down the line when systems need to match uploaded passports). To change these details requires an email to Berks & Bucks FA and so it is a pain.

2) Consent - Consent to play for Caversham AFC: -
Parents need to be linked to the player in order to do this. The parent needs to have a FAN and email address. If they have set themselves up and linked themselves to their child using the email instructions below then this is straightforward. The request Consent button should be fairly obvious on the website.

Otherwise they can send you their FAN and email address to add to the player profile.

Or you can just obtain their email address and use the email capture tab on the FA WGS. Once you have searched for & found the player, under this tab, you can enter the parent's email address and send a link to prompt them to create an account (& FAN) and link themselves to the player. The Consent request can be sent once the player/parent link is established.

3) Verify ID & add photo: -
Please obtain copies of passports to verify ID and obtain a headshot photo of the players to upload to the system.

4) Team Assigned: -
Please select the correct Caversham AFC team and assign.

Once these steps have been completed you will be able to 'Submit to League'. If the player's status does not change from Unregistered to Registered in a week, please email Berks & Bucks FA initially and then me if you are still stuck.

Suggested email for coaches to send to parents:


We need to have a FA Number (FAN) profile for your Child (linked to your own FAN Profile) to register them with the leagues, so they are able to play this season.

- If your Child already has a FAN, please do not create a new one. FAN's can be generated when England tickets are booked as well as through grassroots football.

- If you have a FAN, please do not create a new one. FAN's can be generated when England tickets are booked as well as through grassroots football.

- If your Child has one but you do not, please create one for yourself using the link below.

- If you have one but your Child does not, please login using the link below and your FAN before adding your Child within your profile.

- If neither of you have a FAN please create one for yourself before adding your child in your profile, using the link below.

IMPORTANT your Child's profile MUST match the name on your child's passport/birth certificate and please be as accurate as possible with the details added, as it is not straightforward to change them. Please keep a note of your FAN numbers and login details for the future.

Then, to allow us to complete the registration, can you please send me:
- your FAN and your child's FAN
- a photograph of your child (head and shoulders) similar to a passport photo. You are able to add a photo to the system yourself if you would prefer to do so.
- email either a photo of his/her passport or birth certificate.

Once we have linked him/her to the club, we will request consent from you for your child to play for us. Once we have this we can ask the league to register your child to allow them to play in the league, so I would be grateful if you can do this asap as there is a deadline to get all players registered.