Why is Play Safe important?
Anyone’s love of football can be taken away by negative behaviour and abuse. Safeguarding prevents this from happening.
A Play Safe weekend at the start of each season is there to put safeguarding at the forefront of people’s minds. It reminds everyone to watch, listen, talk, act in every football environment.
For Play Safe 2024, we’re asking everyone to know their role in safeguarding.
This means no matter what role you have in football, you know your role and responsibility in making it a safe space for all.
Please see the Play Safe website for more information.
Parents and carers are key when it comes to safeguarding in football. Understanding the role you can play, how and with whom to raise a concern you may have – and how to report it – they’re all crucial.
These and many other topics are covered on the short, free online ‘Safeguarding Awareness for Parents/Carers’ course you can take today.